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Jumaat, 30 Mei 2008


Tun Tan Siew Sin, Presiden MCA dalam akhbar pada 30 April 1969 bertajuk "Tun Tan Answerrs on Special Privileges" berkata :

" The Malays, through UMNO. were generous enough to relex the citizenship laws of this country to such an extent that within 12 months of independence, 90 percent of the non-Malays has become citizens whereas before independence 90 perrcent were still non-citizens after nearly 100 years of colonial rule in the Malay States. In return for this major concession. MCA and the MIC agreed to continue the policy of preserving the special posititon of Malays while at the same time upholding the legitimate interests of other communities".

Wanang seri hendak mengajak semua rakyat Malaysia, khasnya generasi muda mengisafi apa yang diperkatakan oleh pemimpin bukan Melayu mengenai isu kontrak sosial ini. Esok saya akan paparkan pandangan pemimpin bukan Melayu yang lain pula. "DI MANA LANGIT DI JUNJUNG ????"

2 ulasan:

Tanpa Nama berkata...

Good words.

Tanpa Nama berkata...

I would question the originality of the text above. The late Tun Tan Siew Sin is a highly educated individual and would not have made numerous errors in the paragraph above. I sincerely doubt the paragraph came from him.